Newcastle Florists

The Blooming Garden is a family-run florist in the heart of Forest Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne. We have been producing beautiful, high-quality and unique bouquets and arrangements for over 12 years.

We have flowers for all occasions from weddings to funerals, birthdays to anniversaries. All of our flowers are ordered-in fresh every day. We offer same-day delivery on orders placed before 3pm, throughout the Newcastle area. We’re also fully licensed to sell alcohol with your order such as wine and Prosecco.

Best-Selling Flowers

The Vibrant Colour Gift Box


The Pink Gift Box


Soft Pastel Handtied


Scented Pastel Hand-tied Bouquet


Classic White Hand-tied


Gift box made with seasonal flowers


Delightful Lilac Hatbox


Lilac and White Scented Basket


Elegant Pink Hatbox


Pink and Lilac Scented Basket


Dozen Heavenly Red Roses


Arrangement made with seasonal flowers


Hand-tied bouquet made with seasonal flowers




Hand-tied bouquet made with seasonal flowers




Florist’s Choice Floral Hatbox


Baby Gift Box


Shop by Collection

Send Flowers to Your Loved Ones

We Are a Real Florist & Your Orders Are Being Handled By A Professional Florist.


Don't miss our best deals and promo every weekend

    1. Search your gift

    Your one-stop destination where you can find a humongous range of gifts to send your Loved ones.

    2. Name your gift

    We know how to make a lasting impression with more than just flowers, While our stunning orchids can brighten up any living space

    3. Checkout & Delivery

    Fresh Flowers From Our Fields, Expertly Designed and Delivered by the Blooming Garden


    Please send us an email at, or fill in the contact form below, and a member of our team will get back to you within 24 hours.

       Call: 0191 266 5471

       23 Station Road North, Forest Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, NE12 7AR.